내일신문 방과후학교에 오신것을 환영합니다.
Error! The "meta description" is missing, the page has no summary description!
- Select one version of your site as main and make a redirect from other versions to that one.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
- Implement the viewport meta tag.
- Try to make your site load faster.
Domain : www.naeilschool.com/
Character length : 20
내일신문 방과후학교에 오신것을 환영합니다.
Keywords (meta keywords)
Good! The website does not use “meta keywords”.
Open Graph Protocol
Error! The website does not use the OG (Open Graph) protocol.
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Error! Hyphen (-) is a better solution than underscore (_) in the URLs
- http://www.naeilschool.com/afterschool/naeil_merit.asp ("내일신문의 특장점")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_discuss.asp ("프로그램")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_discuss.asp ("국어영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_english.asp ("외국어영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_funny.asp ("수학영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_robot.asp ("과학영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_popart.asp ("미술영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_guitar.asp ("음악영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_body.asp ("체육영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_magic.asp ("기타영역")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/teacher/teacher_intro.asp ("강사소개")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_discuss.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_debate.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_nie.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_english.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_letsgo.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_musical.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_grammar.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_japanese.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_chinese.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_funny.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_experience.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_gifted.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_robot.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_life.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_experience.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_popart.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_crayons.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_clay.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_guitar.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_nanta.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_drum.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_violin.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_flute.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_body.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_jumprope.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_kpop.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_golf.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_basketball.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_soccer.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_magic.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_history.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_reporter.asp
- http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_study.asp
- Expand
Search engine friendly URLs
Error! Not all URLs are SEO friendly on this website!
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=notice&brdIdx=588&mode=v... ("방과후학교 강사 온라인 연수 안...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=notice&brdIdx=583&mode=v... ("2017 내일스쿨 방과후강사 전...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=notice&brdIdx=476&mode=v... ("2016 내일스쿨 방과후학교 강...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=notice&brdIdx=425&mode=v... ("(주)내일스쿨 교육부 평가 우수...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=notice&brdIdx=423&mode=v... ("제3회 영어말하기 대회 입상자 ...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /download.asp?brdId=formdata&brdIdx=277&f...
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=605&mode=vie... ("눈물 젖은 사과")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=604&mode=vie... ("바쁜 일상을 그저 즐기십시오")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=603&mode=vie... ("구두 닦는 대통령")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=602&mode=vie... ("신뢰를 부르는 말과 행동")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=601&mode=vie... ("인정과 신뢰")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=free&brdIdx=598&mode=vie... ("유머는 강하다")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=418&mode=... ("[어린이신간] 눈의여왕에 맞선 모험 '오필리아와...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=367&mode=... ("초등학생 여름방학 권장도서/“책의 바다에 풍덩~...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=300&mode=... ("새학기 자기주도 학습계획 어떻게 세울까")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=299&mode=... ("[겨울철 어린이 건강 관리] 집에서 하는 어린이...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=216&mode=... ("초등학생이 여름방학에 읽기 좋은 책")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=student&brdIdx=209&mode=... ("비누로 손씻기, 여름철 건강법의 시작")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=542&mode=v... ("독감 예방 접종,올바른 접종방법은?")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=481&mode=v... ("“아빠 밀어내도 ‘사랑한다’ 말하세요”")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=469&mode=v... ("소아정형외과 의사가 들려주는 우리 아이 성장이야...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=417&mode=v... ("아이 건강 위한 어린이 홍삼, 유해 첨가물+합성...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=366&mode=v... ("얘들아, 이번 방학에는 어떤 애니메이션 볼까?")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=parent&brdIdx=353&mode=v... (""책 읽기 싫어하는 아이들, 이렇게 하면 따라와...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=448&mode=... ("2016 방과후학교 길라잡이")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=315&mode=... ("2015학년도 방과후학교 길라잡이")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=186&mode=... ("2014년 방과후학교 길라잡이")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=149&mode=... ("방과후 영어강사 연수가 성공적으로 진행되었습니다...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=110&mode=... ("주인을 찾습니다.")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=teacher&brdIdx=107&mode=... ("엄마표 역사부 계획입니다.")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=qna&brdIdx=125&mode=view... ("추가 수강신청")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=qna&brdIdx=103&mode=view... ("6 월 5일 강사정기 모임에 ...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=qna&brdIdx=64&mode=view ("방과후교사 교육생입니다")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=qna&brdIdx=42&mode=view ("Q&A 게시판 이용안내")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=600&mode=vi... ("2017년 1분기 숭신초 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=599&mode=vi... ("2017년 1분기 숭신초 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=592&mode=vi... ("2017년 1분기 용두초 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=589&mode=vi... ("2017 강사 전체 연수")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=582&mode=vi... ("숭신초 방과후학교 체험전")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=561&mode=vi... ("2016 홍제초 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=556&mode=vi... ("2016년 3분기 용두초 원어민영어 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=553&mode=vi... ("2016년 11월 가곡초 예술제 작품 전시회")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=552&mode=vi... ("2016 11월 가곡초 예술제")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=photo&brdIdx=550&mode=vi... ("가곡초 3분기 공개수업")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=news&brdIdx=563&mode=vie... ("방과후학교 안정적 운영위한 법적...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=news&brdIdx=530&mode=vie... (""물건 사듯 최저가 입찰… 방과...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=news&brdIdx=524&mode=vie... ("초중고 방과후학교 운영 법적 근...")
- http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /board.asp?brdId=news&brdIdx=495&mode=vie... ("교사 폭행 등 교권침해 심각하면...")
- Expand
Checking the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file is missing!
Social Engagement
No info found.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
Error! No language localization is found.
내일신문 방과후학교에 오신것을 환영합니다.
Character length : 23
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Character length : 23
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 14%
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
1 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Heading structure in the source code
- <H1>
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H3>
- <H5>
Word cloud
- 방과후학교8
- 공개수업6
- 길라잡이3
- 숭신초3
- 어린이3
- 내일스쿨3
- 가곡초3
- 예술제2
- 방과후강사2
- 용두초2
- 수강신청2
- 온라인2
- q&a2
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
방과후학교 | |||
공개수업 | |||
길라잡이 | |||
숭신초 | |||
어린이 | |||
내일스쿨 |
Two Word cloud
- 숭신초 공개수업2
404 Page
The website has a 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
We found 98 images on this web page.
Good! Every image has an alternative text attributes set on this website.
Good! Every image has an alternative text attributes set on this website.
Mobile optimization
This website is optimal for mobile devices!
Detected applications
INFOnline | Analytics | |
jQuery | JavaScript Frameworks |
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Redirection (www / not www)
Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Loading time
30,566 ms
Table layout
Error! Avoid using nested tables!
Number of HTTP resources
Number of source domains
Render blocking resources
The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
List of render blocking javascript files
List of render blocking javascript files
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/embed.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery-latest.min.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery_menu.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.contentcarousel.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/formCheck.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/css/layout_main.css
- http://www.naeilschool.com/css/base.css
- http://www.naeilschool.com/css/menu.css
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/embed.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery-latest.min.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery_menu.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.contentcarousel.js
- http://www.naeilschool.com/js/formCheck.js
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
You can save 122.4KB (45% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the javascript files.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
- http://www.naeilschool.com/css/layout_main.css
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
You can save 961B (22% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the CSS files.
- By minifying http://www.naeilschool.com/css/layout_main.css you can save 961B (22% compression rate)
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Error! By using Gzip you can save 172.2KB (70% compression) on your site.
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery-latest.min.js you can save 172.2KB (70% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com you can save 27.6KB (76% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/css/menu.css you can save 9.3KB (87% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.contentcarousel.js you can save 6.2KB (73% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js you can save 6KB (75% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/formCheck.js you can save 4.9KB (64% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/embed.js you can save 4.2KB (64% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/css/base.css you can save 3.3KB (67% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/css/layout_main.css you can save 2.9KB (66% compression rate)
- By compressing http://www.naeilschool.com/js/jquery_menu.js you can save 2.3KB (75% compression rate)
Number of static resources (image, JS, CSS)
Browser cache
The browser cache is not set correctly for all elements.
URL | Duration |
http://www.naeilschool.com/css/base.css | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/css/layout_main.css | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/css/menu.css | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /%EC%9B%90%EC%96%B4%EB%AF%BC%EC%98%81%EC%... | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/data/board/photo/thumbnail/0408_01.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/data/board/photo/thumbnail/2(3).jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /20161116_01.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /KakaoTalk_20170418_142821296.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /KakaoTalk_20170516_152032994.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /KakaoTalk_20170516_152034415.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/data/board/photo/thumbnail/oc_01.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/data/board/photo/thumbnail/ss_02.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/data/board/photo/thumbnail/yd_01.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/all_close.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu01_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu01_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu01_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_04.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_05.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu02_06.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu03_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu03_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu03_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu04.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu04_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu04_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu04_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu05.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu05_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu05_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu05_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06_04.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu06_05.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_02.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_04.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_05.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_06.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu07_07.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu08.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu08_01.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu08_03.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu08_04.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/etc/allmenu08_05.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/inc/bg_btn_box.png | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/inc/gnb.png | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/inc/gnb_bg.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.naeilschool.com/images/main/all_program.gif | Expiry time is not specified |
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File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
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We found a total of 139 different links.
Internal links: 137
External links: 2
Internal links: 137
External links: 2
External links:
Link text (anchor) | Link strength |
http://www.naeil.com | |
http://www.miznaeil.com/magazine/subscribe.asp |
Internal links:
Link text (anchor) | Link strength |
http://www.naeilschool.com/index.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/member/login.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/member/join01.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/member/modifyL.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/etc/sitemap.asp | |
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내일신문의 특장점 | |
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미술영역 | |
음악영역 | |
체육영역 | |
기타영역 | |
방과후강사 | |
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구직 | |
자료실 | |
수업자료실 | |
관련 서식자료실 | |
현장스케치 | |
커뮤니티 | |
공지사항 | |
교육관련뉴스 | |
자유게시판 | |
학생방 | |
학부모방 | |
선생님방 | |
Q&A | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/afterschool/course.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_discuss.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_debate.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/korean_nie.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_english.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_letsgo.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_musical.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_grammar.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_japanese.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/foreign_chinese.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_funny.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_experience.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/math_gifted.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_robot.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_life.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/science_experience.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_popart.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_crayons.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/art_clay.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_guitar.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_nanta.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_drum.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_violin.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/music_flute.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_body.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_jumprope.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_kpop.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_golf.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_basketball.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/pt_soccer.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_magic.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_history.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_reporter.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/program/etc_study.asp | |
아이디/비밀번호 찾기 | |
회원가입 | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/afterschool/afterschool.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=notice | |
방과후학교 강사 온라인 연수 안... | |
2017 내일스쿨 방과후강사 전... | |
2016 내일스쿨 방과후학교 강... | |
(주)내일스쿨 교육부 평가 우수... | |
제3회 영어말하기 대회 입상자 ... | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/.. /download.asp?brdId=formdata&brdIdx=277&f... | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/afterschool/faq.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=qna | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=free | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=student | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=parent | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=teacher | |
눈물 젖은 사과 | |
바쁜 일상을 그저 즐기십시오 | |
구두 닦는 대통령 | |
신뢰를 부르는 말과 행동 | |
인정과 신뢰 | |
유머는 강하다 | |
[어린이신간] 눈의여왕에 맞선 모험 '오필리아와... | |
초등학생 여름방학 권장도서/“책의 바다에 풍덩~... | |
새학기 자기주도 학습계획 어떻게 세울까 | |
[겨울철 어린이 건강 관리] 집에서 하는 어린이... | |
초등학생이 여름방학에 읽기 좋은 책 | |
비누로 손씻기, 여름철 건강법의 시작 | |
독감 예방 접종,올바른 접종방법은? | |
“아빠 밀어내도 ‘사랑한다’ 말하세요” | |
소아정형외과 의사가 들려주는 우리 아이 성장이야... | |
아이 건강 위한 어린이 홍삼, 유해 첨가물+합성... | |
얘들아, 이번 방학에는 어떤 애니메이션 볼까? | |
"책 읽기 싫어하는 아이들, 이렇게 하면 따라와... | |
2016 방과후학교 길라잡이 | |
2015학년도 방과후학교 길라잡이 | |
2014년 방과후학교 길라잡이 | |
방과후 영어강사 연수가 성공적으로 진행되었습니다... | |
주인을 찾습니다. | |
엄마표 역사부 계획입니다. | |
추가 수강신청 | |
6 월 5일 강사정기 모임에 ... | |
방과후교사 교육생입니다 | |
Q&A 게시판 이용안내 | |
2017년 1분기 숭신초 공개수업 | |
2017년 1분기 숭신초 공개수업 | |
2017년 1분기 용두초 공개수업 | |
2017 강사 전체 연수 | |
숭신초 방과후학교 체험전 | |
2016 홍제초 공개수업 | |
2016년 3분기 용두초 원어민영어 공개수업 | |
2016년 11월 가곡초 예술제 작품 전시회 | |
2016 11월 가곡초 예술제 | |
가곡초 3분기 공개수업 | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/board/board.asp?brdId=news | |
방과후학교 안정적 운영위한 법적... | |
"물건 사듯 최저가 입찰… 방과... | |
초중고 방과후학교 운영 법적 근... | |
교사 폭행 등 교권침해 심각하면... | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/company/introduction.asp | |
http://www.naeilschool.com/# |
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